Order Same Day Flower Delivery in Oldham

Same Day Flower Delivery in Oldham

Occasions florist is an Oldham based family run business, which has been established for over 40 years. Specialising in providing customers with personal service and expert advice, we can create beautiful flowers for any occasion. We pride ourselves on the quality of our flowers ensuring everything we produce we would like to receive ourselves. We are committed to offering you a personal service, value for money and a large stock of high quality fresh flowers at realistic prices. We are always at the end of the phone and happy to help. 0161 6242358.


At Occasions Florist we specialise in wedding flowers, Asian wedding flowers, funeral flowers and same day flower deliveries for any occasion, whatever the occasion. We also specialise in flowers for business – serving lots of local businesses large and small. We frequently provide large flower arrangements for restaurants, exhibitions, seminars, graduation, and also thank you’s from businesses to customers. Contact us to discuss your specific flower requirements on 0161 6242358.

We cover Oldham, RoytonShawFailsworth, and all Greater Manchester areas.

Best Selling Flowers
Secret Garden
Cherry Bomb !
Candy pastel
Summer Meadow (vase inc)
peaches and creams
Vintage Hatbox
Eco-Friendly Bouquet
The perfect 6
Cherry Blossom
roses and ruffles
Florist Choice bouquet
Just Delivered

A small selection of our latest bouquets and arrangements hand delivered in Oldham